Lord, I give myself to You so You can lead me according to Your plan. Show me where You need me to go. -Amen
Lord, please give me the strength that only you can provide to help me _________ (fill in the blank). -Amen
Lord, thank You for the beauty that you put into my life every day. Help me to appreciate all the miracles that you do in this world that I may not see. -Amen
Lord, I thank You for all the blessings You bring to my life. Please give me the strength to set myself aside and teach me to put others first. -Amen
Lord, I thank You for all that You do in my life. Please find Your way to my heart so I can show that same thanks to others. -Amen
Lord, I am grateful for all that You bring to my life and Your forgiveness of my sins. Please do Your work through me so I can show others that this is the way to Your kingdom. -Amen
Lord, I give You praise for all that is good and right. Please help me choose my words so that they have a positive impact on the lives around me. -Amen
Lord, thank You for all of the wonderful things You bring into my life and for the challenges that keep me humble. Please help me to remember that I live to serve You and others, especially those in need every day. -Amen
Lord, thank You for being my guiding light. Please help me to choose my words carefully so I can reflect Your grace with others. -Amen
Lord, thank You for the gifts You have given me. Please show me how to use them to make other's lives better for their gain and not mine. -Amen
Lord, please let me hear Your voice to direct me away from wrong and steer me toward what is right and good. -Amen
Lord, give me the strength and courage to trust that You will hold my life in Your hands and deliver me where I need to be. -Amen
Lord, help me to see how my actions are effecting the reactions that I am getting from those around me and from You. -Amen
Lord, please help me focus on living my own life and taking my own path with You by my side to guide me every day. -Amen
Lord, please give me strength to be content with my life that only You can provide. -Amen
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